Fall 2025
Powers of Horror and Everlasting
Riverside Park South
New York, NYMay 11, 2023
Center for Performance Research
Brooklyn,NYJune-August 2022
Artist Residency
Montpellier, FranceMarch 7-13, 2022
Artist Residency
Work-In-Progress for Birdsong
Philadelphia, PASeptember and October, 2021
Artist Residency
MOtiVE Brooklyn
68 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY
11201August 7th and 8th, 2021
Pier 1 at Riverside Park
W 70th St in Riverside Park South
(enter W 68th St & Riverside Blvd)
New York, NY
Ongoing Performance
Ryan McNamara's Fleshcore
Works and Process Virtual Commission
Guggenheim Museum
February 16, 2019
May 22, 2018
Evergreen (in process)
Performance Studio Open House
Center For Performance Research
7:30pmApril 22, 2018
Clean Cut
Sundays At Broadway
537 Broadway #3
New York, NY 10012
6pmJanuary 19, 2018
Evergreen (in progress)
City Center Studios
New York, NYSeptember 23 and 24, 2017
Broken Clouds
Riverside Park South
Dance Safari
New York, NYJanuary 15, 2017
Barren Pines
CATCH at the Invisible Dog
Brooklyn, NYJanuary 13, 2017
Blood Trees
Center for Performance Research
Brooklyn, NYOctober 1, 2016
Blood Trees (Cut)
Bushwick Open Studios @
Chez Bushwick
Brooklyn, NYJune 11, 2016
Golden Wolf (solo version)
Hollins University
Roanoke, VA
The Little Old Theater
Haunted and waitingJune 9, 2016
Golden Wolf
Performance Mix Festival
Abrons Arts Center
New York, NYFebruary 12, 2016
Brooklyn, NYJanuary 6 through January 13, 2016
The Well
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NCDecember 15, 2015
Performance Studio Open House
Brooklyn, NYNovember 18, 2015
Brooklyn, NYOctober 30 and 31, 2015
Blood Trees
Center for Performance Research
Brooklyn, NYApril 28, 2015
Celestial Break
Performance Studio Open House
Brooklyn, NYDecember 16, 2014
The Dark Interior
The Chocolate Factory
Long Island City, NYOctober 28, 2014
The Dark Interior
Gibney Dance
New York, NYJuly 26, 2014
The Wilds
University of The Arts
Pre-college program
Student Performance
Philadelphia, PAJune 24th through 25th, 2014
13 Love Songs dot dot dot
Choreographed/Performed by Ishmael Houston-Jones and Emily Wexler
American Dance Festival (whew!)
Durham, NCJune 10, 2014
Everyday Waters
Choreographed/Performed by Emily Wexler
and the Seniors of the
JCC of Greater Coney Island, Inc
Sea Gate, BK
Free with refreshments and gaietyJune 9, 2014
Forest Floor
Movement Research at the Judson Church
New York, NY
FreeApril 1, 2014
Forest Floor
Center for Performance Research
Brooklyn, NYFebruary 12th 2014
Forest Floor
Brooklyn, NYJanuary 2014
13 Love Songs, dot dot dot
Ishmael Houston-Jones and Emily Wexler
American Realness
New York, NYNovember 23, 2013
For the Love of Dave Dick
The Invisible DogNovemer 8 through 12, 2013
Dancing for Ryan McNamara
Performa 13
8pmSeptember 24, 2013
PS 122 Launch Party
New York, NYSeptember 21 and 22, 2013
Ring of Fire
Dance Safari
Summer on the Hudson
Riverside Park South
New York, NYSeptember 14, 15, 18 & 21, 2013
Atlantic Virtues
A collaboration between Zhen Heinemann & Emily Wexler
Soapbox Gallery
Brooklyn, NYAugust 26 through 31, 2013
Dancing for the beautiful Rebecca Brooks during her residency
Rockbridge Artist Exchange (RAX)
Lexington, VAAugust 18 through 20, 2013
Atlantic Virtues Residency
Zhen Heinemann & Emily Wexler
Mays Landing, NJJuly 26 through 28th, 2013
Blood Lines
Emergency Glitter Festival
Abrons Arts Center
New York, NYJune 27, 2013
Sea Vision
Seniors Partnering with Artists Citywide
Dance Performance
JASA Scheuer House of Coney Island Senior Center
12pmJune 8, 2013
Blood Lines
Center for Performance Research
7:30pmMay 21 through 25, 2013
Blood Lines
AUNTS ResidencyApril 9, 2013
Ring of Fire
Performance Mix Festival
The Flea Theater
New York, NYJanuary 13, 2012
Ring of Fire
AUNTS realness
Abrons Arts Center
466 Grand Street at Pitt Street
NY, NYJanuary 7, 2013
Ring of Fire
Judson Memorial Church
New York, NY
Free as alwaysDecember 11 through December 22, 2012
The Shining
Bessie Award Winning. Twice.
New York Live Arts
NY, NYNovember 30 through December 1, 2012
Kim Brandt
Space Grant
Brooklyn Arts Exchange
Brooklyn, NY
8pmOctober 6 through 13, 2012
AUNTS New Museum Residency
with an array of amazing artists
infoSeptember 22 and 23, 2012
mud cut
Riverside Park South
5:30pmSeptember 15, 2012
Ring of Fire
BK, NYJune 28, 2012
Ghost Stories
performed by the members of the Grace Agard Harewood Senior Center
Patchwork Dance Ensemble
freeJune 22, 2012
mud cut
Brooklyn, NYMay 9, 2012
Centuries of Winter
One Arm Red
Brooklyn, NYApril 22, 2012
New York and the onlineApril 6 and 7, 2012
Subject Matter
The Tank
New York, NYMarch 19 through 25, 2012
Subject Matter Residency
Springtown, PA
EVERYONEFebruary 18 through 22, 2012
Subject Matter Residency
alone and DEEP in the Pine Barrens in the forests of South Jersey...February 14 through 17, 2012
Guest Artist-in-Residence
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA
working with students and ghosts and making dances and sound scoresJanuary 28, 2012
253 N. 3rd St
Philadelphia, PAJanuary 20, 2012
FLICfest Cabaret
The Irondale Center
Brooklyn, NYJanuary 15, 2012
Yvonne Meier's
Mad Heidi
Abrons Arts Center
NYCDecember 13 through 18 and then again 20 through 23, 2011
Yvonne Meier's
The Shining
New York Live Arts (formally DTW)
219 W 19th Street
New York, NY 10011
tixNovember 7, 2011
Centuries of Winter
Judson Memorial Church
FREE as a biiiiirrrrrdOctober 5 through 10, 2011
Guest Artist
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA
September 16 and 17, 2011
topos, topio
Philadelphia Fringe Festival
Drake Theater
1512 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, PA
dancing a bunch of dances. it'll be great.September 7, 2011
Miracle Tear
by Rebecca BrooksAugust 5, 2011
Centuries of Winter
Dream Space Show (hippies we are not)
University of the Arts
1401 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA
7pmJuly 31 through August 6, 2011
Collective of Curiosity and The Others That Aren't
Imaginative Possibilities Residency
University of the Arts
Philadelphia, PA
9 am - all the fucking time we are there togetherJuly 19, 2011
Subject Matter (excerpt)
University of Pennsylvania
Alzheimer's Counseling Center
Philadelphia, PA
1pmJuly 18, 2011
timber, 1971
Faculty Showing
University of the Arts Summer Program
Philadelphia, PAJune 17 and 18, 2011
Subject Matter (excerpt)
Center For Performance Research
361 Manhattan Avenue, Unit 1 Brooklyn, NY 11211
t/f: 718.349.1210
8 pmJune 2, 2011
shut up bitch
Movement Research Spring Festival '11
Art (dance) Show
373 Columbia Street, 11231
FREEMay 1, 2011
the empty set
Performance Mix 25 X 3 Festival
7:30 pm
Dixon Place
161A Chrystie Street
New York, NY 10002
(212) 219-0736
March 25, 2011
red cardinal fawn
8:00 pm
Brooklyn Tea Party
Brooklyn, NY, 11237
email brooklynteaparty@gmail.com for address and/or directionsMarch 19, 2011
red cardinal fawn
6:30 pm- 8:00 pm
The Center
LGBT Community Center
Intersecting Identities: Women Artists of New York
208 West 13th Street
New York, NY
http://www.gaycenter.org/March 10, 2011
red cardinal fawn
7 PM
361 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
www.cprnyc.orgDecember 11, 2010
red cardinal fawn
Kathleen Hanna Tribute/Benefit
The Knitting Factory
New York, NY
8:00 pmSeptember 22 and 23, 2010
Subject Matter
Brink Series
Dixon Place
New York, NY
www.dixonplace.orgJuly 4 through 18, 2010
Mad Heidi
Yvonne Meier
American Dance Festival
Durham, NCMay 24 through 29, 2010
enough, enough
Center for Performance Research (CPR)
361 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
8 pmApril 9, 2010
Ryan McNamara
Whitney Biennial 2010
dancing like a slut
March 21, 2010- March 28, 2010
Univeristy of Memphis
Memphis, TN
Guest Artist
making something newMarch 14 through 20, 2010
Hollins Univeristy
Roanoke, VA
Guest Artist
redoMarch 3 through 6, 2010
Guest Teaching
Pilates & More
Wayne, PAJanuary 22 through 25, 2010
Guest Artist
University of Memphis
putting things back togetherJanuary 21, 2010
Subject Matter
Dixon Place
New York, NYDecember 19, 2009
Deep Run
Studio Series at Studio 34
Philadelphia, PADecember 6, 2009
Subject Matter
Brooklyn, NY 11211December 4, 2009
For the Love of Dave Dick
Brooklyn, NY
November 2009
Guest Artist
Hollins UniversityOctober 24, 2009
her mother herds cattle
Ulla's House Salon
Brooklyn, NYOctober 2009
you make me want to vomit
Artist Residency
FLUXspace Gallery
Philadelphia, PA
July 25, 2009
no harm done
Studio Series at Studio 34
Philiadelphia, PA
June 8, 2009
Deep Run
Movement Research at the Judson Church
New York, New YorkMay 28 through 31, 2009
of little value
The Philadelphia GLBT Artists Festival
in collaboration w/ Jen McGinn, iele paloumpis, niall noel, jamie, and yoApril 25, 2009
no harm done
StudioSeries at Studio 34
Philadelphia, PAApril 18th, 2009
Take It
Mascher Co-op
Philadelphia, PA
Jen McGinnApril 6, 2009
Naughty Bits
Movement Research at Judson Church
New York, NY
Jen McGinnMarch 14 through 22, 2009
Hollins University
bunch of bullshit and beautyMarch 6 through 7, 2009
the secretary's dance
Joyce SoHo
New York, NY
February 28, 2009
you make me want to vomit
FLUXspace Gallery
Philadelphia, PAFebruary 15th-21st, 2009
there, there
Guest Artist
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN